English Books"; $zn6=" in English"; } else { $zn1="Steiner "; $zn2="index.php "; $zn3=$zn4=$zn5=$zn6=""; } include("head.inc"); echo << EOF; $titl="Rudolf Steiner Archive: ${zn1}Books GA 19"; $hed=0; $key="Steiner Archive:Books:${zn3}GA019"; $mdes="${zn1}Books GA 19 page: Thoughts During a Time of War by Rudolf Steiner."; $mkey="book,${zn4}translations,catalogue,holdings,philosophy,anthroposophy,ga 19,thoughts,during,a,time,war,ga 19"; $field6a="ga019german_cov"; $field6b="ga019e_cov"; include("heading.inc"); $zpdir="/home/rsarchive/Steiner/Books/GA019/"; $zpub=$zurl=$zcov=""; if(file_exists($zpdir.".pubs")) $zpub=file_get_contents($zpdir.".pubs"); if(file_exists($zpdir.".url.inc")) $zurl=trim(file_get_contents($zpdir.".url.inc")); if(file_exists($zpdir.".cover.jpg")) { $zcov=<< Verlag Cover Image Click to Visit the Verlag EOF; } $zcmp=""; if(file_exists("Compare/.active")&&filesize("Compare/.active")==2) $zcmp=<<


Side by Side Compare

The books in this area can be compared side by side in the same browser window. Select any combination of chapters, prefaces, appendixes, etc., from any of the editions found here.
EOF; $zgal=""; if(file_exists("Gallery")) $zgal=<<


Image Gallery

The Images contained in the various editions of this work, are presented here in an Image Gallery. We have created sub-galleries that separate the images into categories. You can peruse the various galleries at your leisure.

EOF; $zrll=""; /* $zrll=<<


Relevant Links:

  1. Link One
  2. Link Two
EOF; */ $zger=""; if(!$zngl) { if(file_exists("German/GA019_cover.html")) { $zger=<<

Gedanken während der Zeit des Krieges.
Fuer Deutsche und diejenigen, die nicht glauben, sie hassen zu müssen.

Book Cover Image Diese Kommentare während des Ersten Weltkrieges wurden nicht ins Englische übersetzt im Jahr 2004, und es scheint unwahrscheinlich, dass sie werden. GA 19 existiert nicht mehr. Es ist nun in GA 24 “Aufsautze enthalten Ueber die Dreigliederung des sozialen Orgsanismus und zur Zeitlage 1915-1921” (Essays über die Dreigliederung des sozialen Organismus und auf den Zeitraum von 1915 bis 1921). Die physische Buch verfügbar ist. Wir fanden dieses 3. Druck der Originalausgabe von 1915 Buch und präsentieren es auf Sie, hier.

EOF; } $zgert="
Gedanken während der Zeit des Krieges.
Fuer Deutsche und diejenigen, die nicht glauben, sie hassen zu müssen."; } if(date("Ymd", time())>="20140630") { $zengl=<<

Thoughts During a Time of War
For Germans and those who do not believe they must hate them.

Book Cover Image In the collected edition of Rudolf Steiner's works in German, the volume containing the German text is entitled, Gedanken während der Zeit des Krieges. Fuer Deutsche und diejenigen, die nicht glauben, sie hassen zu muessen. (Vol. 19 in the Bibliographic Survey). GA019 no longer exists. It is now in GA 24, The Renewal of the Social Organism, (essays on the threefold social organism in the years of 1915–1921). This translator of this book is Danial Hafner. Thanks to him for making this volume available to the world.
EOF; } else { $zengl=<<

No English translations are available at this time!

EOF; } echo <<

Thoughts During a Time of War,

Rudolf Steiner
(Written 1916; GA 19 / Bn 19 / CW 19)


These comments made during the First World War have not been translated into English as of 2004, and it seems unlikely that they will be. However, thanks to Daniel Hafner, we now have an English translation, see below.

As far as the Rudolf Steiner Archive knows, GA 19 no longer exists. It is contained now in GA 24, “Aufsautze über die Dreigliederung des sozialen Orgsanismus und zur Zeitlage 1915–1921.” (Essays on the Threefolding of the Social Organism and on the Period 1915–1921). This book is on this site as, The Renewal of the Social Organism. It is said the physical book of GA 19 is available ... unfortunately, we do not know where.


GA 19 / Bn 19 / CW 19 ... Selections$zn6 ...

$zger $zengl $zcmp $zgal $zrll

EOF; include("footing.inc"); ?>